- 正義可否犧牲孝道?看看佛陀如何定義INTEGRITY。佛陀說:“A person of integrity is grateful & acknowledges the help given to him. This gratitude, this acknowledgment is second nature among fine people. It is entirely on the level of a person of integrity.” 此句正好彌補東西文化的缺失。 知道感恩孝順的人才是真正的 a person of integrity.
南傳尼柯雅經典(Nikaya Sutta)記載佛陀告誡弟子有關Integrity 的經文如下:
- Cula-punnama Sutta: The Shorter Discourse on the Full-moon Night (中阿含MN 110 PTS: M iii 20)
- Kataññu Suttas: Gratitude (增一阿含AN II.31-32)
- Sappurisa Sutta: A Person of Integrity (AN IV.73)
- Maha-sala Sutta: Very Rich (相應部阿含SN VII.14)
- Itivuttaka: The Group of Fours &106 (佛如是說 Iti 106)