楊宗翰 編譯註著
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《 》代表譯本書名,(空白)或(blank)代表該譯本沒有該段文字的翻譯。【
【註釋】: 本段供有志學梵文及佛教英文的學者參考。逐字標示原梵文《金剛經》每一單字的英文、漢文註釋。梵文依sandi rule的合體字經還原後以點號置於各單字前以助閱讀,如例列: pratyaśrauṣīt: . prati 及 . śrauṣīt。
【解說】: 標示比較說明諸譯本的異同。
【新譯】: 標示筆者綜合各譯師的白話新譯,基本上是以梵文本及玄奘譯本《佛說般若波羅蜜多能斷金剛經》為基準。因為《玄譯》本歷代較少受到注意,但從梵文本及《玄譯》的譯本可以更了解體會鳩摩羅什本《金剛經》沒有表現的意義。
【Yang】: 標示筆者以【新譯】為本的英文翻譯
एवं भगवन् इत्यायुष्यान् सुभूतिर्भगवतः प्रत्यश्रौषीत्॥२॥
《IAST》: evaṃ bhagavan
ity-āyuṣyān subhūtir-bhagavataḥ pratyaśrauṣīt||2||
《鳩譯》: 「唯然!世尊!願樂欲聞。」
《菩譯》: 須菩提白佛言:「世尊!如是。願樂欲聞。」
《真譯》: 須菩提言: 「唯然,世尊!」
《笈譯》: 「如是,世尊!」命者善實:「世尊邊願欲聞。」
《玄》: 具壽善現白佛言:「如是!如是!世尊!願樂欲聞!」
《義》: 妙生言:「唯然,世尊,願樂欲聞!」
《Müller》 Then the venerable Subhûti answered
the Bhagavat and said: 'So be it, O Bhagavat.' (2)
《Colgate》 "So be it, buddha." Replied
Subhuti, as he perked up.
《Conze》 'So be it, O Lord', replied the
Venerable Subhuti and listened.
【註釋】: evaṃ: indecl. adv. eva, (in its most
frequent use of strengthening the idea expressed by any word, eva must
be variously rendered by such adverbs as) just, exactly, very, same, only,
even, alone, merely, immediately on, still, already, etc. thus, in such a
manner, in this way; 如是(強調確切地)
āyuṣmān subhutis:
āyuṣmān: m. s. nominative āyuṣmat,
"life-possessing", often applied as a kind of honorific title
(especially to royal personages and Buddhist monks), possessed of vital power,
healthy, long-lived 具壽、長老、淨命
bhagavataḥ: noun m. s. pl. ablative/genitive bhagavat, the illustrious, divine, venerable, holy one 薄伽梵、世尊
pratyaśrauṣīt: v. 3rd indefinitive past pratyaśrava, prati + √śru-5, listen 聽
. pratya: indecl. pratī, toward, near
to; indecl. (as a prefix to roots and their derivative nouns and other nouns,
sometimes pratī) towards, near to 依, 別, 各
. śrauṣīt: v.
3rd indefinitive past
śrava, √śru-5 herard, listened
耳, 聞, 聲, 聽聞; 聽
【解說】: 長老須菩提應允佛陀的話。文字表現不同,沒特別意義的差異。pratyaśrauṣīt 意為聽,漢譯大多譯為願樂欲聞,或沒有譯出。bhagavan 是呼格、bhagavataḥ
是依格(第七格) 《笈譯》譯出邊。
【新譯】: 長老須菩提向佛說:「就這樣!世尊!」並注意聽著。
【Yang】: ”So be it! Bhagavan!” Venerable Subhuti
replied and listened. ||2||
對於梵文單字的註釋以tathāgato 為例:
tathāgato: m. s. nominative tathāgata, He who comes and goes in the same way; Gautama Buddha; 佛陀的自稱;經文內佛陀弟子稱呼佛陀為薄伽梵,或譯為世尊; m. f. n. tathāgata, being in
such a state or condition, of such a quality or nature 如實
1. tathāgato: 以斜體Italic表示為梵文單字,有一冒號(:)隔離以次的英漢文註釋
2. m. s. nominative tathāgata, 表梵文單字的詞性如名詞雄性、單數、主格、過去式、完成式、祈願式等的英文簡寫,之後有斜體的梵文字代表梵文原型或(√)表示動詞的字根,以逗號結束,
3. He who comes and goes in the same way; Gautama Buddha, 梵文單字的英文註釋
4. “佛陀的自稱;經文內佛陀弟子稱呼佛陀為薄伽梵,或譯為世尊;” 梵文單字的中文註釋,以分號作結束;若梵文單字有多重意義,則有英文詞性簡寫及英、漢文注釋,如:
5. m. f. n. tathāgata, being in such a state or
condition, of such a quality or nature 如實; 表示tathāgata的第二意義。梵文有很多一字多義。
本書附註有二:一是當頁的附註,這是英譯的註,用羅馬數字編排,如I, ii, iii, iv…; 二是書後附註,用阿拉伯數字編排,如1, 2, 3, 4,…
[ii] Declension
table of iti, indecl. in this manner, thus (in its
original signification iti - refers to something that has been said or
thought, or lays stress on what precedes; 如是、如此(強調前所描述的事物)
Indeclinable 雄性
Singular 單數
Dual 雙數
Plural 複數
Nominative 本體格
Vocative 呼格
Accusative 賓(業)格
Dative 為(與)格
Ablative 從(來)格
Genitive 數格
Locative 依(位)格
Update List
回覆刪除3/10/2018 9.01 【Yang】: Moreover, Subhuti! He, who said that Tathagata comes, goes, resides, sits, or reclines, does not understand the essence of my teaching.
3/17/2018 06.03 【Yang】: Bhagavt told Subhuti, ”Don’t you say so. Indeed! In the future, in the last moment, the last period of time, the last five hundred years, in the turning era of the deteriorating authentic Dharma, there will be such beings initiate purified perception after listening to the Teaching of this Dharma with form of words.
3/17/2018 11.01 【Yang】: Bhagavan asked Subhuti, ”What do you think? If there had been as many Ganges Rivers as the grains of sand in the great Ganges River, would the amount of sand in all those Ganges Rivers be plentiful?
3/17/2018 12.01【Yang】: “Moreover! Subhuti! The places, where one teaches the Dharma or even merely takes four lines of a stanza to illustrate to others, will be surrounded by heavens’ gods, humans, and demons, and be revered like a Buddha’s shrine. Much more so, if one can take the Dharma, accept and follow it, read and recite it, understand it thoroughly without any doubt, then later teach and illustrate it extensively to others, and elevate their perception according to the Dharma. Those sentient beings will achieve the rarest merits and virtue. There will be enlightened, austere, and disciplined sage-successors, who representing Buddha, will reside in such locations.”||12||
3/17/2018 13.04【Yang】: “Subhuti! What do you think? Does Tathagata preach any dharma?”
3/17/2018 13.06【Yang】: Subhuti replied, ”Abundant, Bhagavan! Those fine dust would be indeed abundant! Sugata!”
3/17/2018 13.10【Yang】: Bhagavan continued, ”If a man or a woman had sacrificed as many bodies as the grains of sand in the Ganges River to make a contribution everyday for as many days as the grains of sand in the Ganges River; and in the meantime, if a decent youth or maiden takes the teaching of this dharma even just four lines of a stanza, accepts and follows it, reads and recites it,
understands it thoroughly without any doubts, later teaches and illustrates it extensively to others, and elevate their perceptions according to the dharma, based on these conditions the stock of merits gathered will be much more valuable than the former by an immeasurable, innumerable amount. ||13||
回覆刪除3/17/2018 14.02【Yang】: “It is extremely wonderful! Bhagavan! It is extremely rare! Sugata! The dharma that Tathagata preaches will help and benefit all those practitioners, having set the utmost goal, comprehensively. It will help and benefit all those practitioners, having set the most outstanding goal, enthusiastically. Bhagavan! I have never heard such a discourse of dharma since inception of my wisdom.
3/17/2018 14.03【Yang】: Bhagavan! If there are sentient beings after listening to such profound dharma that have the ability of initiating true perception, one should know that this kind of achievement is the rarest. What is the reason? Bhagavan! All true perception is non-perception, therefore, Tathagata speaks of true perception as true perception.
3/17/2018 14.04【Yang】: Bhagavan! it is only natural that I can understand and have faith in this Dharma after listening to it today. If there are sentient beings in the future, in the last moment, the last period of time, the last five hundred years, in the turning era of the deteriorating authentic Dharma, who can understand the profound meaning and reasoning of the Dharma, accept and have faith in it, read and recite it, understand thoroughly without any doubts, later teach and illustrate it extensively to others, and elevate their perception according to the dharma, it is obvious that person will have achieved the most rarity.
3/17/2018 14.05 【Yang】: Why is that? Bhagavan! Those sentient beings have not initiated a perception of self, a perception of a sentient being, a perception of a life, or perception of a person. Furthermore, they have neither initiated perception nor non-perception.
3/18/2018 15.08 【Yang】: “Moreover, Subhuti! Wherever this sutra is proclaimed, that place will be like a Buddhist shrine honored with offerings and clockwise circumambulation by heavens’ gods, humans, and evil spirits. ||15||
3/18/2018 16.01【Yang】: “Moreover, Subhuti! If a decent youth or maiden can understand, accept, and have faith in this dharma; read and recite it, understand it thoroughly without any doubts, later teach and descirbe it extensively to others, and attend to it wisely, they may encounter discrimination, scorn, extreme contempt or disrespect. Why is that? Subhuti! That is because of the repercussions of their impure karma from their previous existence of lives. But, due to that effect, all impure karma from their previous existence of lives will be perished, and anuttara samyaksambodi will be attained eventually.
回覆刪除3/18/2018 16.03【Yang】: Suppose there are sentient beings, in the last moment, the last period of time, the last five hundred years, the turning era of the deteriorating authentic dharma, who can accept and have faith in the profound meaning of this Dharma, read and recite it, understand it thoroughly without any doubts, later teach and describe it extensively to others, and attend to it wisely. Subhuti! Comparing this to the stock of merits that I have had gathered before that does not even come close to a hundredth of a part of this, one thousandth of a part of this, one hundred thousandth of a part of this, one thousand billionth of a part of this, or ten trillionth of a part of this. It is not comparable by number, by arithmetic, by simile, or even by way of micro-analysis to the finest particle.
3/18/2018 16.05【Yang】: “Therefore, Subhuti! This Dharma that Tathagata preached is incomprehensible and immeasurable. The inconceivable effect for whomever upholds it should be expected.” ||16||
3/21/2018 17.03【Yang】: And why? Subhuti! If a great-hearted Bodhisattva had initiated perception of a sentient being, the great-hearted Bodhisattva would not have been so called. Those great-hearted Bodhisattvas should not initiate perception of a living being, nor even perception of a soul, nor a sentient being, the great-hearted Bodhisattva would not have been so called.
3/21/2018 17.04【Yang】: And why? Subhuti! There is no such dharma by the name of vowing to undertake the path of the Bodhisattva.
3/21/2018 17.06【Yang】: After that, Subhuti said, ”Bhagavan! As far as I understand the essence of Bhagavan’s teaching that Tathagata does not attain a dharma being termed as anuttara samyaksambodhi at the presence of Dipankara Tathagata.”
3/21/2018 17.07【Yang】: Bhavagan said, “So it is! So it is, Subhuti! There is no such dharma being called as anuttara samyaksambodhi that Tathagata has attained at the presence of Dipankara Tathagata.
回覆刪除3/21/2018 17.08【Yang】: What is the reason? Subhuti! If Tathagata at the presence of Dipankara Tathagata had attained the dharma called anuttara samyaksambodhi, Dipankara Tathagata would not have foretold me, ’You, the young practitioner, will be in the future existence of life enlightened with the title of Shakyamuni Tathagata, the Praiseworthy, Righteous, Omniscient, Enlightened One.’
3/21/2018 17.09【Yang】: Subhuti! There is no dharma as anuttara samyaksambodhi has been attained by Tathagata. Therefore Dipankara Tathagata has foretold me, ’You, the young practitioner, will be in the future existence of life enlightened with the title of Shakyamuni Tathagata, the Praiseworthy, Righteous, Omniscient, Enlightened One.’
3/21/2018 17.10 【Vocabulary】
asatodgṛhītena: v. m. s. instrumental asatodgṛhīta, a + sa + tod + √gṛh-9, with untruth which he has learned, misrepresent me by seizing on what is not there 起不 實執
3/21/2018 17.11 【Yang】: What is the reason? Subhuti! Tathagata reveals that
the dharma he has attained, preached, and thought of is neither truth nor illusion. Therefore Tathagata preaches that all dharma are Buddhist Dharma. Subhuti! Tathagata has not observed any dharma to achieve anuttara samyaksambodhi. What is the reason? Subhuti! Tathagata preaches that all dharma is non-dharma; therefore, Tathagata names all dharma as Buddhist dharma.
3/21/2018 17.16【Yang】: Subhuti! Had a Bodhisattva said, ’I will implement the pure land.’ He would have spoken fallaciously.
3/21/2018 17.18 【Vocabulary】
adhimucyate: v. 3rd s. causative adhi + √muc-6, belief
3/21/2018 19.01 【Yang】: Bhagavan asked Subhuti, ”What do you think? If a decent youth or maiden had filled the universe of one billion worlds with seven kinds of gems to donate to Tathagata, based on this cause, would that person have gathered an enormous amount of merit?”
回覆刪除3/21/2018 19.03【Yang】: Gathering stock of merits, Subhuti! Tathagata preaches gathering stock of merits as non-gathering of merits, therefore, gathering of merit is so defined. Subhuti! If there were gathering of merits, Tathagata would have not spoken of gathering of merits as gathering of merits.” ||19||
3/21/2018 21.04【Yang】: At that time, Venerable Subhuti asked Bhagavan again, “Bhagavan! In the future, in the last moment, the last period of time, the last five hundred years, the turning era of the deteriorating authentic Dharma, would there be such sentient beings who after listening to the teaching of this Dharma have sincere faith arisen?”
3/21/2018 21.05【Yang】: Bhagavan said, “Subhuti! They are neither sentient beings nor non-sentient beings.”
3/24/2018 22.01【Yang】: Bhagavan asked Subhuti, ”What do you think? Is there a dharma called anuttara samyaksambodhi that Tathagata has attained?”
3/24/2018 22.02【Yang】: Venerable Subhuti replied, “Bhagavan! According to the essence of Bhagavan’s teachings, Tathagata does not attain a dharma called anuttara samyaksambodi.”
3/24/2018 29.02【Yang】: What is the reason? Subhuti! The term of Tathagata denotes someone who does not go anywhere, nor come from anywhere; therefore, Tathagata has been named the Praiseworthy, Righteous, Omniscient, Enlightened One. ||29||
3/25/2018 30.01 【Yang】: “Moreover, Subhuti! Suppose there were a decent youth or maiden who, by using an immeasurable strenuous energy, had crushed the worlds in the universe of one billion worlds into a massive collection of fine dust. Subhuti! What do you think? Wouldn’t that be a massive collection of dust?”
3/25/2018 30.02【Yang】: Subhuti replied, “The collection of that fine dust would be massive! Bhagavan! Massive! Suguta! What is the reason? Bhagavan! If the collection of fine dust were real, Bhagavan would have not said that it was a collection of fine dust. What is the reason? Tathagata preaches the collection of fine dust as non-collection, therefore, the collection of fine dust is so defined.”
回覆刪除3/25/2018 31.02【Yang】: Subhuti said, “No! Bhagavan! No indeed! Sugata! He would have not spoken in righteous speech.