
2013年11月15日 星期五


《金剛經‧第三品》有一句依鳩摩羅什法師之譯為『所有一切眾生之類』,此句原梵文為 "yāvantaḥ sattvāḥ sattvadhātau sattvasaṁgraheṇa saṁgṛhītā," 而
  • 玄奘法師譯為『所有諸有情,有情攝所攝 』,
  • 義淨法師也譯為『所有一切眾生之類。』
E.B. Cowell, F. Max Müller, and J. Kakakusu.合譯之"The Diamond Cutter" 譯為  As many beings as there are in this world of beings, comprehended under the term of beings. 而 Edward Conze 之"The Diamond Sutra"也如此譯 'As many beings as there are in the universe of beings, comprehended under the term "beings."

玄奘法師所譯,較難解的為『有情攝所攝 』。其梵文為"sattvasaṁgraheṇa saṁgṛhītā"。

考之『攝』意為拿,吸取,如攝取、攝像、攝影、攝食。試譯全句『 有情界諸有情所能攝受的』,現代白話解為『 有情界,諸有情所能了知的有情』,亦即同於鳩摩羅什法師所譯『所有一切眾生之類』。

Zero & Emptiness

There is an interesting story about zero and nothingness in human civilization that I'd like to share.

Phoenicia, the ancient Semitic civilization, once had enterprising maritime trading culture that spread across the Mediterranean from 1550 BC to 300 BC.
One main reason they failed and disappeared in the human history was that they could not distinguish zero from nothingness. I don’t know whether or not the Phoenician had invented the decimal system, but they were the first to used decimal system to record business trading figures “internationally” and very successful. However, they used a blank space to denote the “zero” figure. So a number, for instance, like “347021” would be recorded as “347 21”. The digital number used here are only for convenience, since they were not written in this format. In the beginning, it would not have caused a lot of issues. But when the trading have gotten bigger and bigger and the trading numbers grew with it. Due to omission of a “zero” figure, confusion, argument, distrust arose and eventually caused all trading business to shut down.  

Later on, King Asoka, the great Indian emperor, spread the Buddha-Dharma from India, Afghanistan, Iran, and then up to Syria. The Buddha’s transcend wisdom taught people the concept of "Śūnyatā" (Sanskrit) meaning "emptiness,"『空』, or “nothingness.” Overtime, the Arabian had developed the decimal system ,by recognizing the difference between nothingness and zero, using a “zero” to replace a space " ", and then, therefore, with the accurate numeric recording system and their trading skill, successfully dominated the world trading. Even up to today their influence in world trading is still cannot be negligible.

Human civilization is an integration of various kinds of culture, more or less, isn't it?