. advaya :(अद्वय) refers to “non-duality”, According to Vajrayāna or Tibetan Buddhism.—The Bodhi mind (bodhicitta) is of the nature of Śūnya and the deity is a manifestation of Śūnya and, therefore, both have the same origin. But to realise that the two are the same requires perfect knowledge. Continuous meditation and austerities enable the worshipper to shed the veil of ignorance which makes one thing appear as two. The Bodhi mind is further called Karuṇā (compassion) and the ultimate reality as Śūnyatā, and when the two commingle, it is called Advaya or non-duality. 不二
. dharma: 法
. mukha: (मुख) n. mouth, face, entrance, opening, front. 門
. praveśa: m. entering, entrance, penetration or intrusion into 入
. parivarto, parivarta: m. revolving, revolution (of a planet etc.) 轉;noun m. a chapter 章/品 (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
—’ṣṭamaḥ = aṣṭamaḥ: the eight, 第八
注:梵文文本第三品品名為 śrāvakabodhisatvavisarjanapraśno nāma tṛtīyaḥ parivartaḥ 弟子菩薩棄答品第三;而三本漢譯本和英譯本皆將此第三品分為<弟子品第三>(梵文本§1-§48, 英譯本 “ 3. The Disciples Reluctance to Visit Vimalakīrti”)、<菩薩品第四>(梵文本§49-78, 英譯本”4. The Reluctance of the Bodhisattvas“),所以第四品之後梵文文本與其他譯本品數少一。
. śrāvaka: m. a disciple of the Buddha 聲聞、佛弟子
. bodhisatva: m. “one whose essence is perfect knowledge”, one who is on the way to the attainment of perfect knowledge. 菩薩
. visarjana: n. answering a question; abandoning, cessation 答、棄、中斷
. praśno, praśna: m. a subject of inquiry, point at issue, controversy, problem, etc.問題、答辯、爭論
一nāma: ind. by name, named, called 名
一tṛtīyaḥ: n. the third 第三
一parivartaḥ: ditto